
What is Email Marketing ?

What is Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing

Email marketing :  we usually all use Facebook, WhatsApp every day! But there are also many of them who open Mail’s daily and send Mail to others!

If you are also a blogger or you promote your business online! So you must have an idea of ​​the usefulness of e-mail. Do you know guys? Even today, crores of people open email and send email every day.

That’s why I’m asking here! Because the way other social platforms are Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube etc. In the same way, email can also prove to be very effective for your blog or business, yes, now you can think how?

What is email marketing and how does it work?

So the answer is e-mail marketing! Have you ever done email marketing? Or you don’t even know about it yet! So don’t worry if you want to get complete information about email marketing and want to know how email marketing is beneficial for your business,

So you must have read this article till the end, first of all without delay let us know that
Email Marketing

Friends, understand email marketing in very simple words, “when email is used to promote business, it is called email marketing” To provide related information.

Friends, email marketing is also very profitable compared to traditional marketing! Because here you do not need to spend much money to promote the business. Also, if you promote your business without any banner, poster, then it is also an environmental friendly way.

But friends, most people have a misunderstanding! That they understand that the email method of marketing is out of date! Because today social media websites like Facebook Twitter etc. are used all over the world.

But email has been around since the invention of the Internet! And even today, when you register an account on a website or create your account on Facebook, Twitter, there is an option to enter an email address! So from this you can understand that Facebook Twitter also uses email service.

So friends in short, today 94% of internet users use email! With which you can understand how email marketing can be a great way for you to promote your business.

So if you haven’t yet adopted an email marketing strategy to promote your business! So you can better understand the usefulness of email marketing with the help of the following points.

Building Strong Relationship With Customer

If you send your latest product launch and any new information related to your business to your customers through email, then it keeps the connectivity between the customer and you.

With this, your customers will stay connected with you! Also, you will always be able to bring your service to your customers.

Cheap and efficient

Friends, if you use old marketing instead of email marketing! That is, to promote your business, if you put banners, posters from place to place in your area, street or city, then it costs you a lot.

On the other hand, today there are many free premium software for email marketing, using which you can reach the product or service to your potential customers.

At present, there are also such email marketing automation tools available, from where you can also schedule your emails.

Target Audience

Friends, you can target those people through email marketing! To whom you want to offer your product and service. If you talk about traditional marketing, then here we cannot target the audience.

For example, if we give an ad on TV or a newspaper, now we cannot find out who saw that ad?

But with email marketing, we can reach our product and service to the right customer!

So friends, these were the main reasons why you can understand why you should use email marketing in your business.

So that’s all in today’s article! How did you like this information, do tell your thoughts in the comment box. If you liked this information, then do share with your friends on social media.

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