
Daily Horoscope 2021

Daily Horoscope 2021

Rashifal April Month, Monthly Horoscope 2021: April Monthly Horoscope See your monthly astrology predictions for the people of the zodiac, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. For which zodiac sign this week will be auspicious and for whom it is inauspicious.


Aries – The people born under this zodiac will be of medium stature, enthusiastic and courageous in nature. Due to Mars being the lord of this zodiac, the color of the face of the person will be red or wheatish. If Bharani Nakshatra is there, then the color is fair and the red color is usually long and dense. The native of Aries will be benevolent, fierce-tempered, brilliant, intelligent, pleasing to everyone’s mind, courageous, enterprising and hard-working. Will have a cautious intellect and independent thought. Memory power will increase. Due to being the predominant element of fire, if the person becomes angry, he should be accepted soon. Have a special hobby of traveling in nature, that is, roaming around. In life, through hard work and enterprise, they gather the means of earning income and money. Despite being brothers and sisters, they could not get their support.

Bhagyesh Guru’s auspicious sight on this zodiac but Rashiswami Mars being in the eighth will have mixed effects. Increase in honor and prestige The expenditure of money on auspicious works will be more. Interest in the field of spirituality will increase. But there will be domestic confusions, obstacles in the work being done and secret worries. There will also be ideological differences between father and son.

Love-Life: People of this zodiac can get marriage proposals in this month. So there are chances of love marriage also happening there. Mutual understanding will increase in married couples. As a result, sweetness will come in their relationship. Along with this, love will also be seen increasing among the rest of the family members.

Health: Excess of anger can spoil any work being done. Therefore, try not to have such a situation with you that will make you angry. Along with this, stay away from such people, talking to whom you get angry and your work along with your health is also affected.

Remedy: Aries should recite Shrimad Bhagavad Gita along with fasting on Tuesday for the child with anger.

Good number : 9
Lucky color : Orange
Good day: Tuesday.
Auspicious Direction : South West


Taurus – The lord of this zodiac is Venus. A person with Taurus sign is firm on his stubbornness. It considers it to be its religion to like comfort. This person is brilliant, struggling, self-respecting, with best friends, brilliant, a devotee of parents and guru, is Ayushmann, thinks long and hard even on small tasks. Enemies are more. A person with Taurus sign also gets opportunities for sudden monetary gains.

Due to Shani’s dhaiya and Mars having special vision on this zodiac, there will be obstacles in the work, more conflicts, excessive running, mental stress and difficult situations will be faced. But due to Venus being in the lucky place, only fortunately, there will be opportunities for profit and wealth. There will be harmony and cooperation from foreign relatives. Amenities will increase. But avoid anger and excitement.

Love-Life: People of this zodiac will fall in love with each other. Good news can knock in the life of married couple. There is a fear of disorder and injury in health.

Health: This month is sometimes considered harmful and sometimes beneficial for your health.
Remedy: Friday fasting and worship of Shiva are auspicious.
Good number : 6
Lucky color : pink
Good morning: Wednesday.
Good Direction : West.


Gemini – The lord of this zodiac is Mercury. The person of this zodiac is usually tall and fair complexion, beautiful hair and big nose. Wisdom is reflected in the face. This person is sweet-spoken, clever, kind, determined, learned, wealthy, ready to do everything, extremely contentious, sharp intellect, indulgent, luxurious, fickle minded, penetrating, all-loving, more foodie. They also get sudden monetary benefits. Because of their soft nature, they are considered weak. But sharp intellect and reasoning are efficient.

From the week itself, the Sun-Guru Shani-Ketu etc. planets will have auspicious sight on this zodiac including Mercury. Due to which the sources of income will continue to be made despite the struggle. But due to excess of anger, obstacles will arise in some works. There will be problems related to progeny, worry and differences in the family. Health problems and money expenses will also increase in the weekend. But there will also be a tendency in the order of religion. There will be increase in effort, expenditure of sudden money and differences with a close relative.

Love-Life: Husband and wife will get more time to spend time with each other. Due to which minor misunderstandings between them will be removed.
Health: You will feel tired due to mental stress and running around in vain. The mind will also be disturbed.
Remedy: People of this zodiac should observe a fast on Wednesday, as well as worship Goddess Lakshmi.
Good number : 7
Lucky color : light yellow
Good morning : Monday.
Good Direction : North.


Cancer : Moon is the lord of this zodiac. Being water element dominant and variable sign, the person will have beautiful and attractive face, round face and medium height. If Moon and Mars are auspicious, then the person will be intelligent, sensitive, passionate heart, just and kind in nature. Generally changeable nature, playful, fond of aquatic things, highly imaginative, skilled in getting timely work, sociable nature will be there. If the Moon is inauspicious, then the irritable nature will be affected by the atmosphere very soon.

Contact with many important people will increase in the workplace. Interest in religious and social fields will also increase. Due to the position of planets like Sun- Saturn- Jupiter and Ketu etc. in the sixth house, there may be differences of health problems between parents and sons. Any legal action can be troublesome. Will be busy in some special work of children.

Love-Life: The disputes going on among the people of this zodiac will be removed. Family happiness will also be achieved.

Health: Take special care of health and pay more attention while driving.

Remedy: Keeping a fast on Monday and wearing a silver ring is considered auspicious for them.
Good number : 3
Lucky color : white
Good day: monday
Good direction : north

5) LEO

Sun is the lord of this zodiac. The person born in this zodiac will have a beautiful, athletic body, broad head, well-built, attractive and impressive personality. The person is intelligent, enterprising, hardworking, fearless, free-thinking, mighty, tactful, ethical, high-spirited, fond of food, travels in the country and abroad, even if he has the nature to become excited soon. Wisdom will be the one to handle the situation with tact.

Due to the presence of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu in the fifth house, there will be a mixed effect. There will be special opportunities for advancement in wealth and fortune. Relationships with new friends will be established. But various problems related to children and secret worries will remain. Differences in the family will increase due to incontinence and use of bitter language. Health will also be somewhat loose.

Love-Life:  Due to the position of some planets, there will be unnecessary disputes with the partner as well. Conflicts in the family will also increase due to discord and anger and excitement.

Health: Due to domestic problems, you can be a victim of mental stress, as well as there can be other health related problems.
Remedy: People of this zodiac should wear Manikya gem on Sunday in gold or copper ring and wear it in ring finger.
Good number : 6
Lucky color: red
Good day: sunday
Good direction: east


The people of this zodiac will have medium height, soft body, beautiful and attractive eyes, long nose, sharp speech and some finesse. The native will be dear spoken, helpful in every work, shy in nature, soft nature and will work according to the policy. Will be imaginative, micro-sighted and sensitive in nature. There will be a calm and reclusive tendency. But you will have the ability to mold yourself even in difficult and adverse situations. Will try to be proficient in many languages ​​and subjects at the same time.

Due to the presence of Shani’s Dhaiya and Panchagrahi Yoga in the fourth house on this zodiac, there will be disturbances, mental stress, disturbance in the mind and dissatisfaction in the work done. Secret enemies will also be enthusiastic. But in the face of obstacles in business and job, only family support will become your means. There will not be much profit from the activities of buying and selling. Excess of anger will lead to trouble and unnecessary running around. Be careful. With the help of a colleague, some bad work will be done.

Love-Life: This entire month, along with the love between you, small disputes will also increase.

Health : There are more chances of injury. So be careful.

Remedy: On Magh Sankranti worshiping Shri Vishnu and Surya and donating food grains as much as possible will be auspicious.

Good number : 5

Lucky color : white

Good day: saturday

Good direction : east


Libra – The person born in this zodiac will have white and beautiful complexion, medium or tall stature, mild and cheerful nature. The native will be just, cheerful, tactful and efficient in working according to policy. Honest, friendly, will be able to make new friends. The aesthetics will be special. There will be a special inclination towards music, art, drama. The standard of living will be rich and effective. The effect of music on the native will be quick. If Moon and Venus are auspicious, then mental and imagination power will be strong.

Due to the position of Jupiter-Mars-Ketu in Dhaiyya and Tritiya house of Saturn, there will be mixed effect. In foreign affairs, there will be chances of getting profit in spite of obstacles from relatives. But due to change in working style in the field of business, the sources of income will increase. There will be unnecessary tension in domestic entanglements and household life. Problems of litigation etc. and opponents will also be enthusiastic. Due to excessive expenditure and excessive anger, some work is getting spoiled.

Love-Life: People of this zodiac will be able to express their love. Along with this, the chances of their love proposal being approved are also visible.
Health : loose the sitar according to health. Special precautions required.
Remedy: Chant Gayatri Mantra on every Friday, and donate it to poor girl or do girl worship.
Good number: 8
Lucky color : light blue
Good day: wednesday
Good direction: west


Scorpio – People born in this zodiac will have a beautiful face, hardworking, trusting in their abilities, will have religious tendencies. If Mars is auspicious, he will be enthusiastic, generous, hardworking, courageous, honest, forthright, benevolent, tactful, conscientious, determined. Help of siblings or relatives is less. Only through personal effort are they able to raise the resources of subsistence income.

By communicating only on the zodiac sign Taurus, there will be improvement in the past situation and some bad work will be done. Increase in the means of income and auspicious work in the family will also be completed. If there are special chances of advancement in job and business fields. Through hard work and effort, there will be a means of income. In the commercial areas, there will be more hustle and bustle, less comfort and more conflict. There will be obstacles in government sectors. The mind will be restless and dissatisfied.

Love-Life: Do not take any decision in any kind of hurry. Otherwise you may have to repent.

Health: Due to the effect of Shani’s half-century, there will be a lot of hard work and struggle. Due to Shani’s half-century, mental stress, temper tantrums, differences with close brothers and excess of anger can spoil any work done.

Remedy: It will be auspicious to distribute sweet prasad by reciting Hanumantkavacha every day.
Good number : 1
Lucky color : Yellow
Good day: Tuesday
Good direction : North


Sagittarius – is the guru of this lord. A person born in this zodiac has a high head, big ears, and a cruel planet in the ascendant house may have short hair or baldness in the middle of the head. If the position of Jupiter-Mercury is auspicious, then it will be gentle and calm, simple nature, religious nature, generous heart, benevolent, sensitive, compassionate, compassionate, etc. There will be a special ability to take donations for the feelings of others. Intellectual and mental power is strong in the person under the influence of this zodiac.

Due to the communication of Guru Ketu and Sun-Saturn being in the second house, there will be a mixed effect on this zodiac. The means of subsistence income will continue to be lost. But new problems will keep coming in the business. There will be differences between father and son. Waste of money, excessive anger, getting excited too soon can spoil any work done. Be careful. There will be progress in foreign affairs.

Love-life: On the car of love, you will reach the next track, in which your partner can arrange the marriage of both of you at his home.

Health: Due to cold, there can be a lot of damage to health. Hence the need to be more careful.
Remedy: Keeping fast on Thursday and worshiping the Sun God and your Ishta Dev will be auspicious and beneficial.
Good number:  7
Lucky color : purple
Good day : Thursday
Good direction: west


The lord of this zodiac is Saturn. It is said that the person born in this zodiac will have medium stature, sharp eyes, beautiful face, dark thick hair and thin waist. The native will be serious, passionate heart, sensitive, high-spirited, service-oriented, contemplative and religious. When Mercury and Venus are auspicious, they take important decisions only after efficient behavior, deep thought, and subtle analysis. Forgiveness is often rare and it is very difficult to replace and forget the feeling of animosity.

Due to the communication of Sun-Mercury on this zodiac and having Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu in the twelfth, one will get subsistence income in the absence of obstacles in the way of getting money. There will be unnecessary running, spending more money, mental stress and ideological differences in the family. Some work will remain incomplete due to increase in laziness. Be careful. Even if you do special hard work, money and profit will be less. There will be discord and differences in the family. There will be speed and expenditure in nature.

Love-Life: Due to the half-century of Saturn, there will be excess in anger. Due to which the relationship with the spouse as well as with other family members will also get spoiled.

Health: There will be trouble related to health and the mind will be disturbed. There are also chances of injury.

Remedy: It will be auspicious to recite Sundarkand daily.
Good number: 9
Lucky color : black
Good day: friday
Good direction: south


Aquarius – The person of this zodiac will be a beautiful personality, influential and friendly person. Will be intelligent, resourceful, have sharp memory and serious nature. Compassionate towards others. Willing to serve with a philanthropic and selfless spirit, self-respecting, independent and will not back down in making new friends. Despite being ambitious, he will keep an active attitude and will be successful in achieving high status, wealth position in life only after many obstacles and difficulties.

Due to the self-possessive vision of the zodiac lord Saturn on this zodiac, after a lot of struggle, there will be opportunities for wealth and progress. The cooperation of brothers will increase enthusiasm and effort. There will be interest in religious activities and some bad deeds will happen. But due to the fourth vision of Mars, there may be trouble due to anger, increased temper, headache, pain in the eyes and great discord. Be careful. After more hard work, there will be opportunities for wealth and progress.

Love-Life: The sourness created in the old relationship will be removed and the closeness will increase.

Health: Mind will remain dissatisfied due to which health will remain loose.

Remedy: After reciting Shri Neelkanth Stotra, raw lassi and balepatra should be offered on Shivling.
Good number: 5
Lucky color: blue
Good day: Saturday
Auspicious Direction : North-East


Pisces – This zodiac sign is a symbol of compassion and kindness. It is the middle body, female zodiac, pingal year, brahmin caste, water, element, dwisvabhana, gentle nature, diva strong, sati-guni, phlegmatic nature, even cognizant, multi-birth-ambivalent, lord of the north direction. Exalted remains at 27 degrees of this zodiac. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces. The native born in Pisces will have intelligent, serious and gentle nature, ready to do charitable work, truth-loving, religious, religious and philosophy, will have special interest in literature and esoteric sciences.

Due to the presence of Jupiter-Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Ketu in the tenth house, there will be many ups and downs, conflicts and upheaval situations in the field of business. Starting more than one task at a time will add to the problem. There will be sudden disturbances in relations with a close relative, mental agitation, unnecessary travel and expenditure of money. But the subsistence income and profit will remain. Due to Panchagrahi Yoga, there will be many ups and downs and changes in the business sector. There will be differences between father and son.

Love-Life: The gift of love will come in the life of married people. So there love will increase between love couples as well.
Health: Health will be affected due to loose, mental stress and anger.
Remedy: After reciting Shri Neelkanth Stotra daily, raw lassi and Bel leaves should be offered on Shivling.
Good number: 8
Lucky color :light blue
Good day: wednesday
Good direction: west

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